4 life tips to de-stress and relax
Zespri SunGold kiwifruit
Zespri Green kiwifruit
Nutrient rich
Modern life is hectic. The to-do-list never seems to get shorter, and some days feel like a constant battle to get things done. For this reason, it’s even more important than ever to be mindful and appreciate the little things. Time spent with family and friends, an afternoon in the garden reading a book… Whatever your idea of perfect happiness! Leading a stress-free life can be easier than you think – take a look at the following hints and tips:
1.Find inner calm through exercise
If the thought of going to the gym leaves you in a panic, don’t worry! Many exercises such as yoga or tai chi are designed for those in need of a stress free life. Walks in nature are also a form of meditation that can relax the mind and body. And if you’re looking for a handy portable snack to take with you to class, why not pop a Zespri SunGold kiwifruit in your bag? You’ll be refreshed and relaxed in no time.
2.Pamper yourself, inside and out
We all feel better when we look and feel our best, so find some time to look after number one this summer. Both your body and your mind benefit from a little love and care, which starts with what you eat. Zespri SunGold kiwifruit is packed full of antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E and polyphenols, which can help keep you healthy from the inside out.
3.Enjoy time with family and friends
It’s true – everything tastes better when shared! Good food and good conversation are some of the easiest, most enjoyable ways to take the stress out of life. Keep things simple and place a huge bowl of freshly cut kiwifruit in the centre of the table. Add a few forks and you’re good to go!
4.Cook delicious food
For many people, a few hours spent in the kitchen is the ultimate stress-buster. Surrounding yourself with colourful, aromatic ingredients is a great way to soothe nerves and bring a sense of tranquillity. What’s more, the process is even more satisfying when you’re preparing food to share with the people you love. Take a tip from us and try out this fancy recipe for Zespri SunGold Kiwifruit Sushi. The tropical, refreshing flavour makes it a dish that all the family will enjoy. What are you waiting for? It’s time to chop that stress away!