5 breakfasts to start the day with vitality

5 breakfasts to start the day with vitality

  • Zespri SunGold kiwifruit
  • Vitamin C
  • Zespri Green kiwifruit

Not everyone is a morning person. For some of us, turning off the snooze button and getting out of bed feels like a daily chore. But whilst you can't change your natural body clock, there are things you can do to brighten up the first few hours of every day. In fact, we’re convinced that preparing a delicious breakfast bursting with colour and health can turn any sleepy head into a happy head. So next time you’re tempted to spend a few more hours under the covers, why not try preparing one of the 5 vitality-filled recipes below. Each is made with a Zespri Green kiwifruit, a naturally tasty treat that’s certain to put a spring in your step!

Did you know?
With 161.3 mg / 100 g, Zespri SunGold kiwifruit contains more than three times the amount of vitamin C found in oranges
With 85.1 mg / 100 g, Zespri Green kiwifruit is considered high in vitamin C
Vitamin C can help reduce tiredness and fatigue

Oatmeal with almond milk, Zespri Green kiwifruit and pistachios


Just one serving of this delicious breakfast provides nearly 100 mg of vitamin C – that’s more than your entire daily recommended amount. Apart from that of course, the tasty combination of cereal, fruits and nuts is enough to tempt anyone out of bed in the morning!

Omelette with turkey, avocado and kiwifruit


This dish is a family favourite, and especially perfect if you have teenagers who don’t love the idea of an early start. Protein-filled and high in vitamin C, it can set you up for a tough day at school or the office. Plus, it only takes 15 minutes to make, so you don’t have to set the alarm clock in order to prepare it!

Layered muesli, berry and Zespri SunGold kiwifruit bowl


We love the look of this bright breakfast dish: when served in a glass container, it feels like a gourmet treat from a 5 star hotel. Red berries and Zespri kiwifruit are a wonderful colour and taste combination, and naturally light muesli provides the energy you need to power through the morning.

Poached egg with SunGold kiwifruit, ham and spinach


When the weekend rolls around, it’s an opportunity to spend a little more time enjoying morning moments. Whether it’s breakfast in bed, or a family feast at the kitchen table, this recipe is a great brunch idea. A poached egg feels healthy yet indulgent, and the sweet taste of Zespri SunGold kiwifruit add a splash of vitality. Enjoy!

Oatmeal with kiwifruit bowl


Looking to start your day with a breakfast rich in vitamin C? Then look no further! Porridge has been sustaining hard working people for thousands of years, and for good reason: it’s warming, satisfying and deliciously comforting. We think you’ll love this modern twist on a much loved classic – and if you need an extra dose of vitality, why not add a sprinkling of chocolate chips or a scoop of peanut butter?