4 easy and healthy snacks to take to work
Zespri SunGold kiwifruit
Zespri Green kiwifruit
Nutrient rich
The work day requires brain power, and brain power requires energy! Unfortunately, options for healthy snacking in the office can be somewhat limited. The vending machine may be useful in emergencies, but it’s not something you want to rely on every day. For this reason, we’ve put together a selection of mouth-watering snacks that are easy to bring to the office and eat at your desk. Since each recipe contains Zespri Green kiwifruit, you’ll also be enjoying a wide variety of essential vitamins and minerals.1
1. Sugar free kiwifruit energy bar
Protein-fuelled snacking is especially important for those of us with hectic timetables. It isn't always possible to make time for a proper breakfast or lunch, yet if we want to perform our best, we need to ensure our bodies are properly powered. These protein-fuelled energy bars can be eaten anywhere and everywhere: why not keep a couple in your desk drawer at work?
2. Flax seeds crackers with kiwifruit and cucumber dip
If a packet of crisps is your snack of choice, this homemade recipe is a fantastic alternative. Compared to fried potato chips, flax seed crackers are far lower in salt and calories, plus the creamy tangy dip that accompanies them will have your workmates eyeing your desk with food envy.
3. Quinoa salad with vegetables and Zespri kiwifruit
Not only are store bought salads expensive, but they are often full of hidden calories and salt. A better idea? Prepare your own the night before, and store it in the fridge at work. Snacking on light salads is a great way to keep energy levels up and avoid the afternoon slump. Plus, thanks to Zespri Green kiwifruit, this dish contains 25% of your recommended daily allowance of folate, a nutrient which performs many important functions to keep the human body healthy2,3.
4. 2-minute egg omelette with kiwifruit, feta cheese and spring onion
Now this is a recipe we love. With just 2 minutes, a mug, and a microwave, you’ve got your mid-morning snack sorted! It only requires a few ingredients, which will be easy to store at work for when the hunger pangs strike. Low in calories and rich in nutrients, you’ll be amazed how little effort it is to create a warm and satisfying work snack.
- New Zealand Ministry of Health. New Zealand FOODfiles 2014 Version 01. Available from: www.foodcomposition.co.nz/ (accessed 10 January 2017)
- European Commission. EU register on nutrition and health claims (2012).
- EU Commission. (2018) Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011. Retrieved July 10, 2018 from https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=CELEX%3A32011R1169