Why light evening meals can help improve your sleep

Why light evening meals can help improve your sleep

  • Zespri SunGold kiwifruit
  • Zespri Green kiwifruit
  • Digestive Health

Oh – those magic 8 hours – don't we all wish it was possible to guarantee them every night? Wake up well-rested & full of beans and anything is possible! Everyone has their own tips and tricks for getting more shut-eye, but for us one of the easiest (and tastiest) ways is to make a few simple changes to your evening diet. Zespri Green kiwifruit is the perfect ingredient for preparing light meals: it’s packed full of nutrients1 and flavour.

Look for low calorie options


With only 81 kcal per 100 g1, Zespri Green kiwifruit is a smart choice for those who don’t want to go to bed on a full stomach. You can add it to a variety of salads or cold soups to create satisfying dishes that won’t leave you bloated and uncomfortable – two sensations that can interrupt sleep patterns and reduce sleep quality.

Prepare dishes in advance


Getting back into the work and school routine after a glorious summer isn’t always easy. With less free time on our hands, it can be tempting to return home from a long day and order a takeaway or snack on something unhealthy. So why not spend some time at the weekend preparing a few light evening meals for the week? Zespri Green kiwifruit freeze well, so you can create dishes in advance and defrost them at your leisure. No more sleepless nights worrying about tomorrow’s menu!

Tire your body, not your mind


If you suffer from insomnia, you’ll know that frustrating feeling of lying awake whilst your head races with thoughts. For some people, light exercise in the early evening can help. It doesn’t have to involve a long run or an intense gym session – even a thirty-minute stroll around the block after dinner can be enough to relax your body and prepare it for sleep. And if you feel a little peckish when you return, snack on a couple of fresh Zespri Green kiwifruit before bed. They’ll satisfy your sweet tooth and provide you with a boost of essential vitamins and minerals1.

Give your digestive system some time off


Zespri Green kiwifruit is a rich source of fibre, a nutrient that has been linked with digestive health and comfort2,3. It also contains the enzyme actinidin, a natural enzyme that can help speed up protein digestion and reduce sensations of heaviness4. So, if you can’t sleep because it feels like you’re still digesting your dinner, think about including a couple in your daily diet. This summer roll recipeis high in fibre and light on calories – the perfect evening meal. Filled with kiwifruit, crunchy vegetables and prawns, you’ll be dreaming of it every night!


  1. Boland M, Moughan PJ. Advances in food and nutrition research. Nutritional benefits of kiwifruit. Waltham, MA: Elsevier Inc; 2013.https://www.elsevier.com/books/nutritional-benefits-of-kiwifruit/boland/978-0-12-394294-4
  1. The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited. (2015). New Zealand Food Composition Database: New Zealand FOODfiles 2014 Version 01. Retrieved March 30, 2015 from http://www.foodcomposition.co.nz/foodfiles.
  2. Sims IM, Monro JA. Fiber: Composition, structures, and functional properties. Adv Food Nutr Res. 2013;68:81-99.
  3. Kaur L, Rutherfurd SM,Moughan PJ, Drummond L, Boland MJ :Actinidin enhances protein digestion in the small intestine as assessed using in an in vitro digestion model. J Agric Food Chem.2010;58:5068-73.