Back-to-school healthy kiwifruit lunch ideas
Zespri SunGold kiwifruit
Zespri Green kiwifruit
Nutrient rich
Yes, it’s that time of year again! Holidays are coming to an end which means its back to work, back to school, and back to reality. But if you’re worried that summer’s feeling of freshness and vitality is about to fade, don’t be. Below we’ve got some healthy kiwifruit lunch ideas that will fill you with excitement about the return to routine…
1. Recover healthy lunch habits
When we’re on holiday, regular meal times can quickly go out the window. And whilst we love the freedom of eating whatever we want, whenever we want, sometimes it can take a toll on our daily health, especially our digestive health. So now you are back to more structured days, why not max out the nutrition of your lunchtime meal? Zespri Green kiwifruit is bursting with vitamin C, antioxidants and fibre, which makes it the perfect ingredient to include in a healthy lunch.
2. Keep hunger at bay with a midday snack
Giving in to mid-morning hunger pangs can throw any healthy eating plan off track. One way to avoid temptation is to keep a few pieces of fresh fruit on your desk. Not only can snacking on a delicious Zespri Green kiwifruit between mealtimes help raise your energy levels, but it could even stop you reaching for unhealthy alternatives.
3.Create new healthy lunch routines for the kids
One of the great things about children is their flexibility. They are quick to adapt to new routines and ideas, especially if they are simple ones. So why not try putting one kiwifruit a day into their lunchboxes? They will love the refreshing and full of flavour Zespri Green kiwifruit, whilst you can rest assured that they’re enjoying the healthiest lunch possible.
Adding two green kiwifruit to your daily diet can help with your digestive wellbeing
4.Pack a healthy kiwifruit lunchbox
But preparing tasty, nutritious meals with their favourite ingredients can actually be easier than you think. Take a look at this recipe for a tempting German Frankfurter and Potato Salad with Green Kiwifruit – we bet you’ll end up making an extra portion for yourself!