Starting in February, growers are being asked, through a producer vote, to support Zespri continuing with the activities of 12-month supply and owning Plant Variety Rights (PVRs)...

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Under the Kiwifruit Export Regulations, Zespri must consider the risks to producers generally (rather than a particular subset) when it comes to the producer vote...

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MARCH 2019

By the time you read this month’s copy of Kiwiflier, the bidding application window for SunGold licence (ending 10 April) is likely to be closed. Successful bidders will be notified the week beginning 29 April...

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APRIL 2019

The Zespri Annual Meeting will be held at 1pm on Wednesday 24 July at Trustpower Arena at Baypark, 81 Truman Lane, Mount Maunganui...

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May 2019

Zespri’s returns to growers and the industry reached new levels on the back of strong growth in both volume and value last season, with operating revenue from global kiwifruit sales and licence release revenue exceeding $3 billion for the first time...

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June 2019

Sustainability was a key focus for Zespri at this year’s Fieldays. This annual event, the largest agricultural show in the southern hemisphere, was held from 12-15 June at Mystery Creek near Hamilton...

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July 2019

Kiwiflier is in for a new look and feel in 2020, but we’re not waiting until then to announce an exciting (and sustainable) change to this valuable grower newsletter...

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August 2019

Zespri has published its August forecast for the 2019/20 season, following the meeting of the Zespri Board on 20 August. This is the first forecast of the season...

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September 2019

Our upcoming industry conference – Momentum 2020: Standing Up and Standing Out – is about our future together...

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October 2019

The Zespri Board of Directors has approved the October forecast for the 2019/20 season...

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November/December 2019

Kiwifruit consumers in some of Zespri’s key markets will soon be able to enjoy Zespri Red Kiwifruit following a decision from the Zespri Board...

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